
How You Can Help Researchers in Ireland Decide What Issues to Explore

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November 9 2021
How You Can Help Researchers in Ireland Decide What Issues to Explore

What should Irish researchers be focussing their studies on? What's worth investigating and what do you want to know more about?

Creating Our Future is a government initiative that aims to spark a national conversation around what people are curious about. The 'brainstorm' was launched last July and wraps up its call for submissions at the end of this month. 

The public is being encouraged to submit their ideas online in order to inspire researchers in Ireland. 

What Topic/Issue Do You Want to Call Attention To?

They're looking for opinions from people all over the country. No idea is too big or too small, too niche or too ridiculous. The aim of the initiative is to get a broad overview of the concerns people have, which will help researchers understand the kind of issues Irish people are most interested in. 

Fields of interest include science, the environment, health, education, poverty, the arts, diversity and inclusion. The research undertaken as a result of this national brainstorm will hopefully make our country a better place to live in the future.

All submitted ideas will be reviewed, combined, and developed into a report that will help inform future researchers. 

The initiative is organised by Science Foundation Ireland and supported by the Government of Ireland. 

Submit Your Idea

Interested in having your say but not sure where to start? Head over to Creating Our Future's inspiration page for prompts. 

According to the organisers, your idea may also have something to do with:

  • an opportunity or challenge you see for yourself, your community, Ireland or the world or
  • a topic you are curious or passionate about and would like researchers to explore.

Up to 5 ideas can be added to a single submission. Go to to have your say before the end of November.