Petmania is a 100% Irish-owned retailer dedicated to sharing your passion for pets! We currently have 12 stores nationwide and love to see you and your pets come to visit us 7 days a week! Pet shop, supplies, pet grooming, and school education on pets. In the 1970’s the O’Keeffe Group was founded by Eamonn and Maureen O’Keeffe, which now incorporates Petmania. However, at the beginning, Petmania was just a section in Gardenia, the garden centre on John Street, in Kilkenny City. Our local customers loved us so much, so we decided to open a dedicated pet store on the same street in 2006. Its success spurred us on to then open our first pet superstore in Waterford in May of 2007. Since then we have continued to grow considerably, and now we own 12 superstores nationwide, including here at Manor West Retail Park Tralee.