
Dingle Way - Tralee to Camp


7 Hrs

18 Kms

Dingle Way - Tralee to Camp

Situated in the south-west of Ireland, the Dingle Way brings you around the beautiful Dingle Peninsula, starting and finishing in Tralee, the capital of Kerry. The trail is 179km long and is recommended to take someone, reasonably fit, an average of 8 - 9 days to walk. The diversity of different landscapes is the reason why the Dingle Way is such a popular trail. It never takes long before a turn in the path reveals a dramatic change of scenery and landscape. From walking in the foothills of Slieve Mish to crossing the shoulder of Mount Brandon, from the powerful Atlantic Ocean at Slea Head to the tranquil setting of pastoral farmland and on to strands of golden beaches on the Maharess. Some of the finest archaeological sites in Ireland are based on the Dingle Way. Standing stones and much more structures can be spotted and explored en-route. The Dingle Way is a well-serviced trail, as it passes through the centre of many picturesque villages and towns. The first stage of the Dingle Way takes you from Tralee past the Blennerville Windmill over Baurtregaum to Camp. Along this section you will be travelling over some beautiful Irish countryside with spectacular views over Derrymore Strand.