This good quality late nineteenth-century building is part of a pair having similar rooflines and window heights. The shopfront has some good decorative detailing, pointing to Portumna's role as a thriving market town in the nineteenth century. The frieze to the doorway may have been carved by the same craftsman who worked on the door of the former Hibernian Bank opposite. It is sited at a significant corner, its front elevation on Abbey Street and its outbuildings ranged along the west side of Shannon Road, the road leading to the harbour on the Shannon. End-of-terrace three-bay two-storey house, built c.1880, with attic and having shopfront to front (north) elevation and two-storey addition to rear. Pitched artificial slate roof with dressed limestone chimneystacks, brick eaves course, and cast-iron rainwater goods. Lined-and-ruled rendered walls with rendered quoins, and with exposed limestone walling to rear elevation. Square-headed window openings with cut limestone sills and six-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows, ground floor window having wrought-iron window guard. Timber shopfront comprising decorative panelled pilasters with rendered plinths, carved consoles, decoratively carved frieze and plain fascia and cornice. Square-headed display windows with rendered stall risers flanking square-headed replacement glazed timber door. Range of outbuildings to yard to south, forming road boundary, having pitched slate roofs, roughcast rendered walls, segmental carriage arch with dressed limestone voussoirs and keystone and coursed dressed jambs, and square-headed vehicular entrances with chamfered render surrounds, all with timber battened double-leaf doors.