High-Quality Budget Accommodation in the Heart of Galway. Giving visitors and tourists a soft place to fall when experiencing the city of Galway, Kinlay Hostel provides an ideal base when exploring the West’s many famous attractions. From City Centre and Connemara to Clifden and the Islands, this hostel is at your service to help you arrange tours to some of the county’s best attractions while being in an ideal location to take the city by foot. Specialising in group bookings, Kinlay Hostel is the place to stay if you’re on the prowl for high-quality, budget accommodation. They’ve even got POD bed arrangements, which means that when you book a bed in one of their 4, 6 or 8-bed dorm rooms, you’ll sleep in your very own POD. Giving you maximum privacy and serious comfort all for a seriously reasonable price. Sounds alright to us. They are now offering flexible student rates for those whose college course is a mix of on-site and at-home learning. Amenities: -Ensuite bathroom -Reading Light -Free Wi-Fi -Towels provided -Breakfast included