A magnificent walking guide of Cobh by the Transition Year students of Coláiste Muire 2020 Coláiste Muire Transition Year Heritage Project 2020 Exquisite drawings, fantastic history and great walking trails showcasing our wealth of heritage in beautiful Cobh. "I am immensely proud of their creativity, enthusiasm, commitment and the pride that they showed for their town throughout the project. For the students who preferred not to walk the boards this year, instead they walked the streets of our town researching and snapping the wonderful buildings and discovering their history. Please take two minutes to have a look at their work. Regards, Declan Carlos" TY Heritage Project 2020 Students.. Ava Mansfield Natalia Velasquez, Harry Kennedy, Rui Barriot, Sam Mulcahy Odhran McKeown, Ben O Connor, Ben Welhm, Simon Murphy, Sindiswa Mathe Dylan Clifford Histon, Frank Irwin, Bradley Hullen, Patrick Roche, Amy Byrne Adam Perry man, Sean Keating, Eoin Curry, Nathan Phelan, Joe Kelleher Kathleen Mullan, Nathan O Donovan, Luke Finnegan, James O Sullivan Coláiste Muire, Cobh. Cobh and Harbour Chamber/ CobhTourist Office Cobh Tidy Towns Cobh Museum Transition Year Heritage Project Class 2020 Teacher Declan Carlos Transition Year Coordinator Mairéad Murtagh Deputy Principal Maureen Kenneally Principal Fergus O' Brien