1 . MILL COVE: Bottom fishing for flounder and dogfish. Spinning for sea trout. Late ebb and early flood best. 2. ROSSCARBERY: Spinning and float fishing for pollack, mackerel and wrasse on headland behind Rosscarbery pier. High water best. 3. ROSSCARBERY PIER: Spinning for mackerel and occasional bass. Bottom fishing for flounder, dogfish and bass. Flood tide and high water best. 4. BOAT SLIP: Bottom fishing for flounder. Spinning and bottom fishing for occasional bass. Early flood to high water best for flounder. Float fishing for mullet at low water in channel above boat slip and ground baiting is essential. 5. ROAD BRIDGE: Float fishing both sides of road bridge for mullet. Ground bait with flakes of bread. 6. WARREN STRAND: Bottom fishing for flounder. Spinning and bottom fishing for occasional bass at channel end, early flood and late ebb. Surf fishing on main beach at cliff end for flounder and bass. Ray and dogfish taken during the summer months, especially at night. Low water and high water best. 7. OWNAHINCHA STRAND: Surf fishing for flatfish and occasional bass. Low water and first of ebb. 8. THE LONG STRAND: Surf fishing for flatfish and occasional bass. Low water and first of ebb best. Spinning off rocks at western end for bass. 9. THE LONG STRAND (EAST): Surf fishing for flatfish and occasional bass especially at river mouth. Low water and first of ebb. 10. GALLEY HEAD: Spinning from rocks for pollack and mackerel and float fishing for wrasse. 11. RED STRAND: Surf fishing for flatfish, dogfish and occasional bass. 12. DUNNYCOVE BAY: Bottom fishing for flatfish, dogfish and bass. Distance casting produces ray. All stages of the tide. 13. DUNNYCOVE (NORTH): Bottom fishing for flatfish, dogfish and bass. Also spinning for pollack. 14. MUCKROSS HEAD: Bottom fishing for flounder and occasional bass. Last hour of ebb and first two hours of flood. Float fishing and spinning at high water. 15. MUCKROSS ESTUARY: Bottom fishing for flounder and occasional bass. Early flood. 16. VIRGIN MARYS POINT: Bottom fishing, spinning and float fishing for bass and flounder. All stages of the tide. 17. CLONAKILTY ESTUARY: Bottom fishing for bass and flounder. Last of ebb and first two hours of flood. 18. CLONAKILTY ESTUARY: Bottom fishing into channel for flounder, early flood to high water. Crab best bait. 19. RING HARBOUR: Drift lining for bass plus bottom fishing for flounder and bass, early flood and late ebb. Specimen flounder recorded here. 20. BAR ROCK: Spinning and bottom fishing for bass and flounder. Last hour of ebb and first two hours of flood. Bass over 16 lbs. have been recorded here. BAIT A. ROSSCARBERY: Sandeel in channel upstream of pier. B. ROSSCARBERY: Lugworm can be dug on sand and mud flats below road bridge. C. MUCKROSS ESTUARY: Lugworm can be dug on sandbanks near the road. D. CLONAKILTY ESTUARY: Lugworm can be dug on sandbanks. E. RING: Crab can be collected under weed between Ring pier and Arundels Mills.