Walter Bagenal's original concept was a town of great architectural merit, based on Versailles, overlooking the River Barrow. Instead, as the town developed, it effectively turned its back on the river. One of Bagnal's main projects was the imposing 1820s courthouse, modelled on the Parthenon, but access from the river elevation was never realised as intended. As the first stage of its plan to "turn" Bagenalstown back towards the Barrow, the council has created a link between the courthouse and the river. A terraced garden has been constructed to the rear of the building, connecting the river and Bachelor's Walk, via the courthouse, to the town's Main Street. The project, which has received Department of the Environment and EU funding under the 2000-2006 urban and village renewal scheme, follows a restoration of the courthouse in the 1990s. It is now a library but well worth a look!